The Author

John is a veteran of the Army Security Agency and Naval Security Group. He served in ground units, aviation, submarines, and surface ships. After leaving twenty-six years of active duty, John embarked on a second career as a High School Navy Junior ROTC Instructor. Now semi-retired, he spends time with family and works on the 20+ acres around his house.

A traveler and history buff, John has participated in reenacting and living history in Medieval and American Civil War organizations in different parts of the U.S. and Europe. His sojourns have taken him across the U.S. and worldwide while residing in seven different states, Korea, Japan, and Norway. He practices traditional archery, heavy hand-weapons combat, black powder shooting, horseback riding, and generally being outdoors more than indoors. Most recently, he enjoys coffee outside, surrounded by his colony of adopted stray cats, and shooting his 1927 Thompson carbine.

An avid reader of thousands of books: History, Science Fiction, Fantasy, and more, he is fulfilling a lifelong dream of world-building and writing. Merlin’s Message is the product of years in which he produced a raft of short stories and half a dozen book-length manuscripts.

John is currently working on a writer’s guide, Creative Combat, with plans to finish several more sagas in the Science Fiction and Fantasy genres.
